Tenancy Documents
When you rent a home you need a tenancy document. It is an important legal document.
If you live in a shared property Anchor Properties will give you a Licence to Occupy.
If you live alone in a sole occupancy property Anchor Properties will give you a Tenancy Agreement.
Your tenancy document gives you the right to live in your home if you do the following things:
pay your rent and service charges
keep your home in good repair. This means you should look after your home and you should not damage any of the furniture that Anchor provides
keep to all of the rules in your agreement. You can ask the Housing team or your support worker to go through them with you if you unsure what they are
Each time your agreement expires we will send you a new one.
The differences between the tenancy documents

Shared Housing - Licence to Occupy

Living Alone - Tenancy Agreement
Term |
Your first Licence to occupy with be for 3 months
Your next Licences will be for 12 months
Tenancy Agreements have to be for a minimum of 6 months
Rent |
Weekly rates of rent and service charges are charged every four weeks
Weekly rates of rent and service charges are charged every month
Household bills |
The gas, electric, water rates and communal TV Licence are included in the property's service charges
Tenants contribute an equal share towards other bills such as the phone and internet
Tenants are responsible for all household bills
Ending the agreement |
Anchor Properties or the tenant can end the agreement early by giving 4 weeks notice in writing
Anchor Properties can end the agreement immediately without notice if we consider the tenant to have committed gross misconduct
Anchor Properties or the tenant can give notice that the agreement will not be renewed when it expires at least 2 months before it is due to end
If a tenant wants to end the agreement before it is due to expire it will at Anchor Properties' discretion whether to accept their request or not
Anchor Properties would need to follow a legal process if we wanted to end the agreement early